Officers selected for developmental education will attend programs such as Air Command and Staff College, Air War College, National War College and others. For the latest information about developmental education, such as the 2020 Officer Developmental Program Description Guide, intermediate and senior DE timeline and eligibility charts, visit myPers click the Force Development link from the active-duty officer landing page or select the active-duty officer category from the dropdown menu and search “force development.”ĮNLISTED: Enlisted Professional Military Education introduces Airmen to appropriate institutional competencies at specific milestones throughout their career. Beyond pre-commissioning education, which constitutes the first level of the COE, developmental education is designed to educate and professionally broaden individual officers into strategic leaders who can provide innovative solutions to the future complex challenges facing the Air Force.
OFFICER: The Air Force Officer Professional Military Education Program is central to a Continuum of Education that spans an officer's professional career.